Jenis-jenis Conditional Sentence / Kalimat Pengandaian | Type 0 ,1, 2, 3 dan 4

 Jenis-jenis Conditional Sentence / Kalimat Pengandaian | Type 0, 1, 2, 3 dan 4

Type 0

Menyatakan kejadian yang biasa terjadi / kebenaran umum.

Formula : If + simple present, simple present + compliment

Contoh :

1. if he lies to her, she gets angry

2. if you eat your luch box, mother feels happy

3. Mother comforts me if i feel scared   

Type 1

Menyatakan kondisi yang mungkin terjadi di masa yang akan datang

Formula : if + simple present tense, simple future tense

Contoh :

1. if i study hard, my father will give me a special gift

2. if you are here, i will tell you my feelings

3. Anto Will come if Putri invites him to her birth day party


Type 2

Menyatakan kondisi yang tidak terjadi (pengandaian)

Formula : if + simple past tense, simple past future + complement

Contoh : 

1. If Brian were me, he would enjoy the road trip which takes a long time journey

2. If she were rich, she would travel the world

*catatan : dalam conditional sentence, subjek yang bersifat singular seperti she,he, it, menggunakan to-be "were" bukan was 

3. If you worked out, you would have an ideal body shape


Type 3

Menyatakan kondisi yang seharusnya terjadi di masa lalu (penyesalan)  

Formula : if + simple past perfect, simple past future perfect + complement

Contoh :

1. if you had been more careful, you would not have had an accident

*Have pada kalimat di atas merupakan bagian dari past future perfect tense. Nah, semua bentuk kalimat perfect menggunakan variasi have (has/have/had) yang diikuti oleh kata kerja bentuk ketiga (verb 3). Sedangkan had pada kalimat di atas termasuk dalam verb 3 dari have, yang memiliki arti memiliki/mendapatkan/mengalami.

2. Sinta would have helped you if you had asked for it    

3. If he had known, he would not have done it

Type 4 

Menyatakan situasi masa lalu atau masa kini yang tidak terjadi (Pengandaian, kombinasi type 2 dan type 3) 

Formula :if + simple past tense, simple past future tense atau if + simple past future tense + simple past tense  

Contoh :

1. if you had taught me how to make brownies (type 3; simple past perfect), i would not buy it in the store (type 2;simple past future tense)

2. if they were good players (type2; simple past tense) they team woud have scored more in the match yesterday (type 3 ; past future perfect)

3. their family would buy house in Bandung (type 2 ; simple past future), if one of their children had been accepted to Bandung Institue of Technology (type 3 ; simple past perfect tense)   



Bandung, 30 November 2022

Mr. Far

 --- Semoga Bermanfaat --- 


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