Interesting Topic To Talk

Interesting Topic To Talk

 Life Questions :

1. What are the most fun things to do on weekends?

2. When's the last time you went on a first date?

3. What is your favorite thing to do after work/school?

4. What is a habit you are trying to change right now?

5. What is something you love to do to relax?

6. Do you have any fun plans on the weekend?

7. What is your favorite memory as a kid?

8. Were you ever into fashion as a child or as a teenager?

9. What's your favorite holiday?

10. Do you have any great memories of your mom / dad?

11. What would be your ideal dream job if you could pick?

12. What is your favorite restaurant to go to?

13. What would the world look like in the future if money were no longer important in our society?

14. How many kids do you want to have in the future?

15. Is it more important to be funny or to be intelligent in our society?

16. What's one thing you want to improve about your self-image?

Personal Questions :

1. What's one habit you are trying to break?

2. Where do you see your life in the next 5-years/ 10-years/ 50-yeas?

3. What's something about yourself that you'd like to change?

4. If you could change anything about yourself right now, what would you chose?

5. What's job that you would want to do if you could choose anything?

Random Questions :

1. If you could talk to animal, what would it to be?

2. Presume you were a spokesperson for humanity when aliens landed on earth, what would you say to them?

3. Is there a special memory you have as a kid that keep replaying for you?

4. What new TV personality or YouTube personality have you been following?

5. What was the last blog post that you read?

6.  When do you find time to think?

Bandung, 11 November 2022

Mr. Far

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