3 tips to improve our english fluency

 3 tips to improve our english fluency

Here are three tips to improve our English fluency:

  1. Practice speaking regularly: One of the best ways to improve our English fluency is to practice speaking as much as possible. This can be with native English speakers, other English learners, or even just by ourself. The more we practice speaking, the more comfortable and confident we will become.

  2. Listen to native English speakers: Another way to improve our English fluency is to listen to native English speakers as much as possible. This can be through podcasts, movies, television shows, or even just conversations with friends. By listening to native English speakers, we can learn new vocabulary and get a better sense of how the language is used in everyday conversation.

  3. Read and write in English: Reading and writing in English can also help improve our fluency. Reading exposes you to new vocabulary and grammatical structures, while writing allows us to practice using those words and structures in a meaningful way. Try reading and writing in English on a regular basis, whether it's a short story, a blog post, or just a journal entry.

I hope these 3 tips are helpful for us and for our future.

Bandung, 16 December 2022

Mr. Far



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