
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2022

Jenis-jenis Conditional Sentence / Kalimat Pengandaian | Type 0 ,1, 2, 3 dan 4

  Jenis-jenis Conditional Sentence / Kalimat Pengandaian | Type 0, 1, 2, 3 dan 4 Type 0 Menyatakan kejadian yang biasa terjadi / kebenaran umum. Formula : If + simple present, simple present + compliment Contoh : 1. if he lies to her, she gets angry 2. if you eat your luch box, mother feels happy 3. Mother comforts me if i feel scared       Type 1 Menyatakan kondisi yang mungkin terjadi di masa yang akan datang Formula : if + simple present tense, simple future tense Contoh : 1. if i study hard, my father will give me a special gift 2. if you are here, i will tell you my feelings 3. Anto Will come if Putri invites him to her birth day party   Type 2 Menyatakan kondisi yang tidak terjadi (pengandaian) Formula : if + simple past tense, simple past future + complement Contoh :  1. If Brian were me, he would enjoy the road trip which takes a long time journey 2. If she were rich, she would travel the world *catatan : dalam conditional sentence, subjek yang bersifat singular seperti she,h

Kunci Rahasia #36 | Gunakan Tenses Will dan Would secara tepat

Kunci Rahasia #36 | Gunakan Tenses Will dan Would secara tepat   Use the correct tense with will and would (Gunakan tenses will dan would secara tepat) Adanya gabungan kata kerja merupakan hal yang umum dalam bahasa inggris. Salah satunya adalah kombinasi bentuk simple present dan will. Contoh :  I know that he will arrive soon (saya mengetahui bahwa dia akan tiba segera). it is certain that they will graduate (Yakin bahwa mereka akan lulus) Kombinasi lainnya yang sangat umum adalah kombinasi simple past dan would. Contoh :  I knew that he would arrive (saya sudah tahu bahwa dia akan tiba) it was certain that they would graduate (sudah yakin bahwa mereka akan lulus). Penting untuk diperhatikan bahwa dalam kombinasi ini; penggunaan will hanya digunakan untuk waktu sekarang (present) dan penggunaan would hanya untuk waktu lampau (past). Perhatikan contoh berikut ini, bagaimana penggunaan will dan would yang tidak benar. I know that he would*  arrive soon. it was certain that he will* gra

Determiner Dalam Bahasa Inggris | Article, Quantifier, Possessive Adjectives, Demonstrative Determiner

Determiner Dalam Bahasa Inggris | Article, Quantifier, Possessive Adjectives, Demonstrative Determiner Determiner adalah kata atau kelompok kata yang ditempatkan di depan noun untuk membatasi makna noun tersebut.  General Determiner - Indefinite article (a atau an) : membicarakan suatu hal secara umum dimana pendengar/pembaca          tidak pasti yang mana yang dimaksudkan.   Contoh : He is looking for a job in Bandung (Dia sedang mencari pekerjaan di Bandung). - Quantifier (many, few, little, some, any) : Menyatakan jumlah    Contoh : Pleasee give me a little water (tolong beri saya sedikit air) - Distributive (All, every, both)   Contoh : All your books are on the table (semua bukumu di atas meja) - Difference Word (other, another) : membicarakan, tambahan orang, benda atau hal.   Contoh : May i have another shoe? (bolehkah saya mendapat sepatu yang lain?) Specific Determiner  - Definite determiner (the) : membicarakan noun yang diyakaini pembaca/pendengar paham yang             d

Interesting Topic To Talk

Interesting Topic To Talk  Life Questions : 1. What are the most fun things to do on weekends? 2. When's the last time you went on a first date? 3. What is your favorite thing to do after work/school? 4. What is a habit you are trying to change right now? 5. What is something you love to do to relax? 6. Do you have any fun plans on the weekend? 7. What is your favorite memory as a kid? 8. Were you ever into fashion as a child or as a teenager? 9. What's your favorite holiday? 10. Do you have any great memories of your mom / dad? 11. What would be your ideal dream job if you could pick? 12. What is your favorite restaurant to go to? 13. What would the world look like in the future if money were no longer important in our society? 14. How many kids do you want to have in the future? 15. Is it more important to be funny or to be intelligent in our society? 16. What's one thing you want to improve about your self-image? Personal Questions : 1. What's one habit you are tryin

Kunci Rahasia 43 & 44 - Kata Ganti Subjek & Objek, Kata Ganti Kepemilikan, Kata Ganti Kepemilikan Sifat

Kunci Rahasia 43 & 44 - Kata Ganti Subjek & Objek, Kata Ganti Kepemilikan  & Kata Ganti Kepemilikan Sifat Distinguish subject and object pronouns #43 (Bedakan kata ganti subjek dan objek) Kata ganti subjek : i, you, we, they, she, he, it. Kata ganti objek : me, you, him, her, it, us, them. Kata ganti digunakan sebagai subjek dari sebuah kata kerja. Sebuah kata ganti juga dapat digunakan sebagai objek dari sebuah kata kerja atau dari preposisi. Bandingkan dua kalimat berikut ini. Far gave the book to Fais He gave it to him Dari contoh kalimat kedua, kata ganti subjek “He” menggantikan kata benda Far. Sedangkan objek kata kerja “it” menggantikan kata benda book, dan objek kata depan “him” menggantikan kata benda Fais. Berikut adalah contoh yang salah : him* and the girl are going shopping (dia dan gadis itu pergi belanja) The gift was intended for you and i* (hadiah itu ditujukan untuk kamu dan saya) Dari contoh pertama, kata ganti objek “him” adalah salah, karena kata ganti

4 Unexpected Advantages of Walking At Night

4 Unexpected Advantages of Walking At Night  Sometimes, walking at night can make us feel uneasy. But if we go walking with a group on a busy route, we will be able to enjoy the unbelievable advantages of walking at night. Who knows, we might even end up looking forward to the interesting evening. 1. Varying our sports routine     Most of us are used to walking during daylight hours. But during the winter, our early morning and early evening slots take place in light of the moon, while the sun is still, or already in bed. It's not unheard of to go walking at night. In fact, it's a great way to mix up our sports routine a little. we will find that our usual route looks completely different. In town, the noise of the traffic will be replaced by the calming glow of streetlights, in the countryside, the magic of a starry sky will help us get back to nature. Both are ideal for enjoying the surrounding quiet and really concentrating on our walking. 2. Working out in Private      Walk